Welcome to workshops on community activation through art

Welcome to workshops on community activation through art

On Thursday, 19 October, at 16.00 at the Culture House “Wiktorija”, “Liepāja 2027 Foundation” in cooperation with the Baltic Community Theatre School will hold a talk and a workshop on community theatre and activation through art for the residents of Liepāja, South Kurzeme Region and Kuldīga, providing an opportunity to learn new skills.

The meeting will cover about 2.5 hours of community theatre and community-based art topics, as well as examples of this genre in Latvia and the Baltics.  

It will also give you the opportunity to learn how to put this methodology into practice and how to start a community-based art project, as well as to get an insight into the work of the Baltic Community Theatre School and learn how to join it.

The practical workshop will be led by producer and community mediator, curator of the Baltic Community Theatre School in Latvia Ieva Niedre and director and community theatre expert from Germany Kristina Werner.

Community-based art and community theatre is an opportunity to create, strengthen and discover different communities, their stories, and uniqueness, to empower different groups of people, to explore history and the present, and to create high quality, participatory, contemporary art, and culture events.

The Baltic Community Theatre School was founded in 2020 and this year it will be based in Liepāja, creating a platform for the development and training of various community-building arts events providing artists, cultural, educational, and social professionals, community leaders with the opportunity to meet, acquire the necessary knowledge and new contacts to make their ideas a reality.

The public talk is free of charge. See you on Thursday, 19 October at 16.00 at the Culture House “Wiktorija”!

You can also apply for the full programme of the Baltic Community Theatre School here: https://www.bats-school.eu/workshops. The participation in the full programme is free of charge for residents of Liepāja, South Kurzeme Region and Kuldīga municipalities, but please bear in mind that the number of places is limited.

Read more about the Baltic Community Theatre School here: https://www.bats-school.eu/

Baltic Community Theatre School activities in Liepāja are organised with the financial support of the Municipality of Liepāja and “Liepāja 2027 Foundation”.