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Liepāja - European Capital of Culture 2027

There are sophisticated and powerful cultural traditions, extensive and diverse contemporary entertainment opportunities in Liepāja, high-quality and comprehensive cultural offer, artists performing from all over the world, and broad option choice for everyone to engage in shaping and developing Liepāja cultural life.

Liepājas osta ar zvejas kuģīti


Liepāja was always used to be a city of paradoxes and opposites, but even regardless of the residence place, we are all constantly hanging between opposites.

Between rest and unrest, noise and silence, action and inaction, buzz and tranquillity, full speed and full stop, white and black, joy and grief, love and hatred. Living full means being able to maintain a balance between these two counter-positions.


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Main objectives


Promote economic growth in the city of Liepāja, as well as visibility and awareness among local and international audiences.


Encourage the education and co-responsibility of Liepāja residents in social processes, communication between professionals from different sectors, developing diverse innovation processes and involving different cultural activities.


Provide high-quality cultural, arts and cross-sectoral activities.


Develop cultural and recreational infrastructure and facilitate the conservation and development of sites of cultural and historical heritage.



It seems quite natural and reasonable to us that we are participating in the European Capital of Culture 2027 project together – the City of Liepāja, the South Kurzeme and Kuldīga Regions. Kurzeme is one of the ancient Latvian territories and by joining forces we are marking the beginning of a new era for this historic region.  The European Capital of Culture is a real blessing for strengthening our neighborly ties, preserving identity and integrating common European values in a third part of Latvia. Together we are strengthening not only ourselves, but a very important and dynamic part of Latvia – the Kurzeme region and the country as a whole!

Map of Liepāja
Karte Liepāja Latvijā
Liepājas osta

Artistic Vision

Considering the fact that Liepāja is a birth place of the wind, often labelled as the creator of rest and unrest and the feisty force of creativity and overwhelming peace – the concept of Liepāja application is based on the story of (un)rest.

A five-line program has been set up under the (un)rest guideline to address important challenges facing both Europe and Liepāja in particular.

The shared vision of the program is to provide everyone with landmarks and beacons in the ever-changing world of rest and unrest.

Each of the five program lines -
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"European‌ ‌Dream"

We all know what the "American dream" is – more comfort, more prosperity and more opportunity for everyone to "hit a home run". But do we know what the European dream is? As intricate as it may be, it has not been defined yet. By participation in the project of European Capital of Culture 2027, Liepāja is up for the answers to this quest and intends to team up with both local residents of the city, region and our country, and people from all across Europe and the world.

Interdisciplinary projects under this programme will be based on the principles of solidarity, diversity, cooperation and dignity values that constitute the European dream and are worth advocate for around the whole world.

"Port‌ ‌Paradox"

Liepāja is a paradox port city – the (un)rest has over time determined its shape and cultural looks. Opposites and differences exist side by side, and their mutual tension often forms the unique identity of our Liepāja, which we are truly proud of. In fact, in this standardized world, we have to learn to appreciate paradoxes as something that leads to bold decisions with somewhat outstanding means of expression.
With these topic activities we shall discover the paradoxes of Liepāja and identify the city's heritage through their prism. We have not always been able to properly assess and disclose them to the rest of Europe. Thanks to our participation in the European Capital of Culture 2027 race, this time we are ready to make full use of the opportunities provided.

"New Eyes"

With this programme's diverse range of events in our pocket tour guide, we plan to discover Liepāja with "new eyes." We want to dive into the depths of the city to better understand and appreciate what and who surrounds us. Neighbours to neighbours, colleagues to colleagues, residents of Karosta to residents of Jaunliepāja, young locals and newcomers to old and experienced ones. Sharing common responsibility and the common joy of creation in favour of our city, our region and the wider European community as a whole.
Let us find answers to the following questions: how to participate and engage in the development and building of our common living space. How to encourage the expansion of creative industries and boost the exchange of thoughts and ideas among local residents who reside in the periphery. How to enjoy life in their own vicinity.

"Deliberate‌ ‌Modesty"

Liepāja is encircled by the Baltic Sea, Lake Liepāja, the untamed forests and meadows. It makes us feel like in God's pocket, nevertheless all this beauty is also affected by climate change and the human activities effect. Neglect has not only affected our nature, it has also affected our body and mind, drowning us in consumption, losing physical and mental balance.
With the activities of this line, we want to restore our balance of existence. Let us think about the impact of art on green innovation, make smart and innovative business principles based on the circular economy a part of our daily routine, hence raising the awareness of the significance of the moderation and spur even greater awareness of taking care of your local vicinity and environment in general.

"Creative‌ ‌Foresight‌"

Following the processes of technological development and the fight against the pandemic worldwide and in Europe we understand more than ever that we must be prepared for the future challenges. Social innovations and creative communities along with the high-tech know-hows are and will be a powerful driver for sustainable urban regeneration, including in Liepāja. Education is crucial in this process, it allows young generations to take smart and propper decisions, combine online and offline worlds and adapt to the effects of technology, such as artificial intelligence.
These projects will ignite an active debate on what footprints do we want to leave behind, not only in this city, but also around the world.

We heartfully thank all active local residents and our neighbours from surrounding municipalities, so as our friends from all over Latvia and the world....

... who take part in this joint creative and responsible process, contributing the unimaginable amount of bursting positive energy and ideas. Your tips and proposals, and ideas are invaluable and very helpful in creating a strong application for Liepāja to the European Capital of Culture 2027! You are our greatest treasure.

Thoughts of residents

Egils Šusts
Egils Šusts
Read more

At first, I had to ask myself the question: "What is the creative unrest in Liepaja at all?" I think it's certainly "liepājnieks" – a local one, a person! Someone who doesn't succumb to routine, someone constantly searching for something, someone who isn't afraid to dare initiate and ignite without certainty of result! I embrace my creative unrest by filming variety of diverse videos on the streets of Liepāja. Sometimes I do that elsewhere in the world. I spend an unthinkable amount of hours in from of the computer screen practicing my video editing skills in the 100 m2 of the Sense Media open type office along with 10 other young and talented creative "unrest makers". We support and encourage each other to do more and better. In addition to videos, we also produce a variety of explanatory and entertainment animations, and other digital content that later is broadcast to different screens in the world. You might think: "You can do all of this elsewhere in the world too. Why Liepāja?" Yes, it is. I could have been in Los Angeles long ago, in the big movie industry. But I decided to stay in Liepāja. As a young man, I felt needed and appreciated here. Moreover, when I had to live and work elsewhere in Europe and the United States, I realized that is actually way more comfortable to live in a beautiful coastal town. Perhaps, it may sound already a bit as a stereotyped expression, but still - this is indeed a small town with the global city grasp. I think we have everything we need here for a beautiful and creative life. There are countless ways of expressing yourself. You just need to dig.

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Liepāja on its way to the title of European Capital of Culture!


Inta Šoriņa
Inta Šoriņa
Chairperson of the Board
Baiba Bartkeviča
Baiba Bartkeviča
Board member on artistic work
Eva Ciekurze
Eva Ciekurze
Board member on financial and legal matters
Zita Lazdāne
Zita Lazdāne
Head of PR and Marketing 22017277
Maija Jankovska
Maija Jankovska
Public Participation Officer
Ģirts Jankovskis
Ģirts Jankovskis
Public Participation Officer
Kristīne Feldmane
Kristīne Feldmane
Dienvidkurzeme Regional Cooperation Coordinator
Dace Reinkopa
Dace Reinkopa
Kuldīga Regional Cooperation Coordinator
Madara Lubāne
Madara Lubāne
Office Administrator and Partner Coordinator
Santa Eglija
Santa Eglija
Head Accountant
Sabīne Jermaloviča
Sabīne Jermaloviča
Project manager

Contact us

Foundation Liepaja 2027
Dārza street 4/8, 2. floor, Liepaja, Latvia, LV-3401

Foundation “Nodibinājums Liepāja 2027”
Legal address: Rožu street 6, Liepaja, Latvia, LV3401
Office address: Dārza street 4/8, 2. floor, Liepaja, Latvia, LV-3401
Registration No 40008325039
Bank: AS "SEB banka" Code: UNLALV2X
Account: LV39UNLA0055003549403
Foundation is NOT a VAT payer

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