Support available for professionals in arts and culture to produce cultural events for children and young people

Support available for professionals in arts and culture to produce cultural events for children and young people

The State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF) announces the call for applications for the Latvian School Bag programme to create high-quality Latvian art and culture events for children and young people.

Arts and culture professionals are encouraged to consider relevant content and form from the perspective of students as the primary audience while creating cultural events. The call for applications is open until 15 September.

The aim of the call is to promote the creation of in-person, including mobile, professional arts and culture events that contribute to the Latvian School Bag programme by introducing people to the artistic values and contemporary expressions of Latvian culture and art in one or a combination of disciplines, encouraging reflection relevant to personal and societal issues and contributing to the achievement of the objectives set out in the educational standard. The activities should be age appropriate, occur regularly throughout the school year and support the learning of the curriculum without being overlapping.

The call shall be funded at EUR 114 000. Applications will be accepted from 28 August to 15 September at 23:59. The project application must be submitted via the project application system

Since autumn 2018, the cultural education programme "Latvian School Bag" has offered schoolchildren a state-funded opportunity to regularly experience Latvian cultural values and contemporary expressions, linking them to the curriculum. The Latvian School Bag programme is administered by the Latvian National Centre for Culture.