Liepāja University Master’s students attend summer school at the University of Tartu

Liepāja University Master’s students attend summer school at the University of Tartu

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Liepāja is a cooperation partner in the Nordplus Higher Education 2022 project Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives, led by the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Tartu.

From 5 to 9 June, MA students in Literary Studies Daiga Kirhnere, Lelde Logina, Elvīra Zvarte and Raimonda Žvarte together with students from other partner countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, and Sweden) took part in a summer school at the University of Tartu.

The summer school was dedicated to research and creative literacy skills in writing down life stories. The participants had the opportunity to hear lectures from the sector professionals, e.g. Leena Käosaar (Estonia) on life stories in literature and their research in the Baltic and Nordic region, Zita Kārkla (Latvia) on travel descriptions in women's literature within the context of life story research, and Maryam Adjam (Sweden) on the poetics of memory and narrative modes in literature. The students were also presented with the possibilities of bibliotherapy in the context of trauma studies (Berit Kaschan (Estonia)).

Students practiced writing their own life stories, letters, travel descriptions using creative literary approaches, e.g. by searching for interesting sights in Tartu and composing stories about them.

In addition to lectures and workshops, the students had the opportunity to visit the Estonian Literature Museum and the Estonian National Museum, as well as to participate in an international scientific conference on life stories and trauma studies, with a particular focus on the war in Ukraine.