Invitation to take part in a survey on open data in Liepāja

Invitation to take part in a survey on open data in Liepāja

Dear residents of Liepāja, we kindly ask for your opinion on how important the issue of open data is for you in your daily life, whether you have used it, what improvements could be made on this matter, how to promote the usability of open data, etc.

The survey is carried out in the framework of the project "Strengthening Open Data for Local Growth and Urban Transformation" (OD4GROWTH).

Open data plays a key role in contributing to data-driven decision-making in multiple sectors. By sharing your insights and experiences, you will be helping to shape the future of open data initiatives.

Time required to complete the survey: approximately 5-10 minutes.

Why participate?

• Your opinion will have a direct impact on the development of open data policy and strategy in Liepāja.

• Your experience and suggestions will help identify opportunities to use open data to drive innovation and economic growth.

• By learning about your needs, we can tailor open data resources to better serve the residents, businesses, and city guests.

The survey is available here: