Educate yourself about the significance of authentic products

Educate yourself about the significance of authentic products

This weekend, on July 8th, during the Sea Festival in Liepaja, the Patent Office in collaboration with the Liepaja City Council will launch an educational campaign aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of authentic and genuine products and services, recognizing counterfeit goods, and other related issues.

During the Sea Festival, on Saturday, July 8th, from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM, anyone interested will have the opportunity to visit and participate in a specially designed booth that will provide more information about the importance of using authentic products and services. In the 3x8 meter booth, visitors will learn how to distinguish original items from counterfeits, what aspects to consider when choosing a seller, why counterfeit goods are harmful to nature, as well as have an attractive hands-on experience to see, touch, and hear the authentic products. The booth will be located in Jurmala Park between the "Medūza" café and the fountain.

At the beginning of this year, the Liepaja City Council signed a memorandum of understanding with the Patent Office for cooperation in the "Network of Authenticity Cities" project, which envisions joint activities between the municipality and the Patent Office to promote awareness among Liepaja residents about intellectual property protection, educating them about incorporating the habit of purchasing authentic products into their daily lives, as well as popularizing Liepaja as a city that recognizes authentic origin products and takes all necessary measures to fight counterfeits and their distribution.

"With the slogan 'Authenticity is eternal!", Liepaja as the only municipality in Latvia has joined The European Network of Authenticity Cities", which advocates for original, authentic products and the protection of intellectual property rights.

The main goal of the project is to promote understanding of the importance of original design, authentic products, and services through various public activities.

So far seven European cities have participated in the project: Thessaloniki and Mykonos (Greece), Sofia and Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), Madrid (Spain), and Lisbon (Portugal). The Liepaja City Council has been invited to participate in the project as the only municipality from Latvia.

The project is implemented by the Liepaja City Council in cooperation with the Patent Office and the European Union Intellectual Property Office within the framework of the "Authenticity" project.

For more information visit

Information on recognizing counterfeits and what to do if you have purchased a counterfeit product is available at