EstLat ECOCs together

EstLat ECOCs together

Empowering communities, igniting creativity and advancing regional cultural excellence through European Capitals of Culture collaboration.

Project objective:

To empower young people and actors of the cultural community by developing their skills and knowledge in creating inclusive and innovative cultural programs with the help of cross-border knowledge and cultural exchange led by European Capitals of Culture.

Main activities and results:

- interactive workshops for youth (2)

- informative study-trip for culture managers

- cultural exchange programs co-created by Estonia and Latvia artistic communities (2-3)

- creation of the network of youth: 40 young people  

- creation of the network of culture managers: 20 representatives of the culture sector

- creation of guiding materials

Project partners:

Foundation Tartu 2024

Foundation Liepaja 2027

Project duration:

01.07.2024 – 31.12.2025

Project budget:

The total budget is 87 418,75 EUR, of which 69 935,00 EUR is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

This project is supported by Interreg IV-A Estonia-Latvia Programme 2021-2027 aiming to strengthen cooperation among regions across the borders of Estonia and Latvia. More info