Amateur art groups launch the new season

Amateur art groups launch the new season

The amateur art groups of Liepāja Folk Art and Culture Centre are launching their 2023/2024 season, welcoming everyone who is willing to express their creative side and spend their free time in a quality way to join them. 25 amateur arts groups are looking forward to welcoming new participants in their in-person classes.


Women's choir "Aija" (conductor Gunta Vite), mixed choirs "INTIS" (conductor Ilze Valce), "Kursa" (conductor Ilze Āboliņa), "Laiks" (conductor Ilze Balode), "Lauma" (conductor Mirdza Paipare) and "Līva" (conductor Jēkabs Ozoliņš).

Dance groups:

Children's dance group "Krustiņi" (ages 4-14) (led by Inta Āboliņa), middle generation dance groups "Kvēle" (led by Ingrīda Lūka), "Vaduguns" (led by Kristīne Jaunbrūna) and "Rucavietis" (led by Linda Gintere), senior dance group "Sidrabvilnis" (led by Ingrīda Lūka).

Folk applied art studios:

"Kursa" (led by Ilma Rubene), "Liepava" ( ledby Smaida Rubeze) and "Zītars" (led by Austra Ziemele).

Amateur theatres:

Children’s Theatre (led by Anita Strazdiņa-Vītola), Youth Theatre Studio (led by Juris Ločmelis), Liepāja People’s Theatre (led by Ināra Kalnarāja) and amateur theatre "Projekts"  producer Kristīne Šokoleja-Šokolaite).

Folklore bands:

"Saknes" (led by Rudīte Nikolovska), "Vēlava" (led by Vija Laipniece) and ethnic minority folk song ensemble "Voļņica" (led by Tatjana Beļikova).

Vocal ensembles:

Children and youth vocal ensemble "Pērlītes" (ages 5-7 and 8-11) (led by Iveta Logina), vocal ensemble "Šokolāde" (led by Daiga Ozola) and the men's vocal ensemble "Dziedonis" (led by Valdis Aivars).

Photo studio:

"FOTAST" (led by Iveta Herbsta).

You can get more information about the groups on the Liepāja Folk Art and Culture Centre website (in the "Groups" section). Updates are available both on the website and on the social media profile which you are welcome to follow.